Now is your opportunity to become an official salt reviver by taking a 12-month membership during our summer offer.

Our membership packages are perfect for those requiring regular salt therapy sessions to help with various health issues.

Members of Salt Revive get unlimited sessions in our salt therapy rooms along with:

  • 50% off classes and special events
  • Monthly offers and giveaways
  • 1 guest pass per month

Our summer offer is a fantastic time to save, and our special offer prices are:

  • £55.00 per month for one person
  • £90 per month for two people
  • £110 per month for a family of four

Salt therapy helps with COPD, respiratory conditions, hayfever, skin conditions, sinusitis, and well-being care such as detoxing and destressing.

To find out more or secure your membership at our offer price, get in touch today.